MSB – Modbus sensor box

Signal converter (Voltage, Pt100 and Frequency) to RS485 with Modbus RTU protocol

Sensor conditioning unit to convert (Volt, Pt100 e Hz) signals into RS485 over RTU Modbus protocol. It can receive signals from different sensors on the market as: solar irradiance sensor, also pyranometers (configurable sensitivity value), temperature sensors (Pt100), wind speed sensor (Hz) and Storm distance sensor.

Code: MDMMA1010.1


  • N.1 high-resolution input (18 bit) for Pyranometer/reference cell (μV, mV) or 0÷1V;
  • Configurable pyranometer sensitivity value;
  • N.2 Pt100 inputs (3-wire) with 0.5°C accuracy;
  • N.1 included internal Pt100 temperature sensor as alternative to external sensor;
  • N.1 pulse/frequency input for wind speed sensors (DNA202-30x);
  • N.1 ingresso RS232 iper sensore di Distanza Fronte Temporalesco (DQA601.1);
  • RS485 (2-wire) Modbus RTU® port with galvanic insulation;
  • Output: instant value and current statistical values (min/avg/max, tot.) for every chanel over programmable time base;
  • 9÷30 Vdc Power Supply;
  • N.1 RS232 port on board for configuration using Terminal Emu-lation program;
  • IP66 protection grade.
Articles: 141

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