
R-Log – Radio Data logger

The data logger for wireless networks

R-Log data logger is a line of compact data loggers for environmental monitoring, suitable for portable indoor applications, but also fixed for continuous monitoring. R-Log can be connected to a wide range of sensor. R-Log can receive measurements via radio from radio sensors, or from other R-Log units in order to create a wireless sensor network. Small and flexible, but also powerful and reliable, R-log is used in multi-measurement (different parameters) and multi-point (different measurement points) applications.

R-Log – Radio Data logger Highlights

  • N. 4/8/16 analog inputs, N 1/4 digital input;
  • 2.4 GHz Zig-Bee radio to receive measurements from radio sensors and other R-Log modules;
  • Auto-recognition of connected sensors;
  • Extremely low power consumption and integrated batteries;
  • N. 50/99 measurements between channels for sensor acquisition and derived quantities;
  • Internal library for calculating derived quantities and mathematical calculations;
  • 8 MB Flash memory;
  • Digital outputs to implement external devices with programmable logics or events;
  • Sensors acquisition rate from 1 s to 12 h;
  • Statistic elaboration rate from 1 s to 12 h;
  • Connection to the PC via RS232 (USB/Ethernet with external accessories);
  • Display and keyboard.

R-Log is used in indoor applications where medium-long term monitoring is required using an easily transportable and installable system. Typically each R-Log module is mounted on a tripod together with a series of sensors. Applications where R-Log is typically used are HVAC tests of buildings, where the user wants to run a campaign to measure thermal quantities on various points simultaneously with a duration from a few hours to several days.

Radio networks

R-Log, when configured as Master, receives measurements via radio from the configured Slave and Repeater units. In this case R-Log Master stores all the measurements of the network. From a PC it is sufficient to connect only to the Master instrument in order to use all the data. The radio used is Zig-Bee type at 2.4 GHz (Tx 10 mV), this type of radio uses a free frequency everywhere. The distance covered is 300 m (line of sight).

Sensors acquisition rate

Acquisition rate is programmable for each input (from1 s to 12 h).

  • ELR510.1: manages channels from analog inputs and 8 derived quantities in 1 s;
  • ELO515.1: manages 12 channels from analog sensors and 8 derived quantities in 1 s.

To limit energy consumption from sensors requiring power supply, it is possible to set an advaced power supply from the acquisition event (warm-up), that is interruped immediately after the acquisition itself.

Data elaboration

The raw measured values can be stored directly as instantaneous values, or be stored as statistical processing (n. 1 base from 1 s to 12 h):

  • Average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation;
  • Wind elaborations;
  • Totals.

Derived and calculated quantities

Internal library of derived environmental quantities. These calculations use acquired quantities, constant values and other calculated quantities. The library also includes mathematical funztions.

  • ELR510.1: manages up to 50 channels between acquired, derived and calculated qualtities;
  • ELO515.1: manages up to 99 channels between acquired, derived and calculated qualtities.

Data memory

Internal memory (8 MB) allows to store data typically for several weeks. The registration structure is circular,. In models with MiniDIN inputs (ELR510.1) the data stored in “surveys” with progressive numbering and data/time start/end.

Data communication

It is possible to transfer data to a PC via RS232, USB (with adapert included), or via Ethernet through an external converter. R-Log units can be connected to a wide range of sensors fon environmental quantities, as:

  • Air temperature and Relative Humidity;
  • Black globe temperature;
  • Wet temperature;
  • Surface and materials temperatures;
  • Air speed;
  • Light;
  • Pollutance (IAQ);
  • Thermal flow and Radiant asymmetry;
  • Meteorological quantities.

we supply a wide range of compatible sensors, read the our catalogue. Having terminal input, using ELR515.1, ELO515.1 models, it is possible to use third-parties sensors

R-Log – Radio Data logger Derived Quantities

data loggers have an internal library of formulas for calculating a series of environmental quantities. These quantities are obtained from measured parameters, entered by the operator and other calculated quantities.

  • Absolute Humidity (VDI3786 Part 4)
  • Air Changes (1997 Ashrae Fundamentals Handbook)
  • Air Flow (1997 Ashrae Fundamentals Handbook)
  • Air Speed (using Pitot and Darcy tubes)
  • Absolute Pressure (sea level)
  • Dew Point (ISO7726)
  • Heat Index
  • Mean Radiant Temperature (ISO7726)
  • radiant Temperature Asymmetry (ISO7726)
  • Operative Temperature (ISO7726)
  • Pale Radiant Temperature 1&2 (ISO7726)
  • Partial Vapour Pressure
  • Psychrometric Humidity (ISO7726)
  • Specific Humidity (VDI3786 Part 4)
  • Sunshine Duration
  • TCH – Chill Temperature (ISO TR11079)
  • Wet Bulb Temperature (ISO7726)
  • UV Exposition
  • UV Index
  • Wind Chill Index (ISO TR11079)
  • WBGT Index IN+OUT Formulas (ISO7243)
  • % dissatisfied by Floor Temperature (ISO7730)
  • % dissatisfied by Vertical Temperature (ISO7730)
  • % dissatisfied by Radiant Asymmetry (ISO7730)
  • % dissatisfied by Air Draw (ISO7730)
  • Daylight Factor (IESNA Lighting Handbook)
  • Light Intensity
  • Estimated Natural Deacy of SARS-CoV-2 on Surfaces
Articles: 141

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