Solar Radiation Sensor SUNPYRA-24 -HSCS

SUNPYRA-24 Solar Radiation Sensor

Solar radiation sensor SUNPYRA-24 -HSCS

The solar irradiation sensor or solar pyranometer measures global radiation, the sum at the point of measurement of both the direct and diffuse components of solar irradiance. The sensor’s transducer, which converts incident radiation to electrical current, is a silicon photodiode with wide spectral response. From the sensor’s output voltage, the console calculates and displays solar irradiance. It also integrates the irradiance values and displays total incident energy over a set period of time.

The outer shell shields the sensor body from thermal radiation a level indicator, and fins to aid in aligning the sensor with the sun’s rays. The diffuser is welded to the body for a weather-tight seal; it provides an excellent cosine response. The transducer is a hermetically-sealed silicon photodiode with integrated amplifier. Spring-loaded mounting screws, in conjunction with the level indicator, enable rapid and accurate leveling of the sensor. Each sensor is calibrated against a secondary standard pyranometer in natural daylight.

Himanshu Sidana
Himanshu Sidana

Techno-Managerial Professional with a strong background in the Environment and Renewable industry. Experienced in Project Management, Project Execution, Sales, and Pre-sales. Proven expertise in Weather Monitoring Systems, including Pyranometers, Sun Trackers, Ceilometers, RADARs, WMS, and a wide range of Meteorological and Hydrological Sensors. Skilled in implementing and maintaining these systems for accurate data collection. A results-oriented professional with a passion for driving sustainable initiatives and delivering successful projects.

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